Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Gall Stones and Golf

Johnny had a visit with our primary care physician, Dr. Al-Fadhl, today. Other than just checking in with him there was no real reason for the visit. We just want to keep him in the loop for when this whole cancer thing is over.

He is a wonderful man. I totally credit him with finding this cancer much earlier than we would have with anyone else. He told us today that either something Johnny said at his initial visit or the way he said it just made him think that he needed a colonoscopy rather than less aggressive testing. He couldn't remember exactly what it was, but something told him to do it. (I think it was Someone.) I even sent him a thank you note after the diagnosis, thanking him for not blowing Johnny off with a "wait and see" attitude. I didn't actually use those words, but you get the idea. Today, he thanked us for the thank you note. Yeah, that's the kind of guy he is. He also told Johnny that he admired his attitude and concern for other's to get checked out.

As he was reviewing Johnny's results on the computer screen (Side Note: You can raise my taxes for the implementation of Electronic Medical Records any time you want!) He smiled and said, "Do you know you have gall stones?" It made all three of us laugh. How crazy is that? The findings were noted on the PET scan, but I don't think it was of a whole lot of importance to Dr. Ansari so he didn't mention it.

We are assuming that during the surgery for the liver and colon they will just remove the gall bladder, too. Might as well. Johnny said that he wants his appendix, tonsils, and wisdom teeth removed at the same time. "If I don't need them, I want 'em out!"

A few dear friends of our are planning a golf outing for Johnny. I don't have all the details yet, but when I do I will post them on the blog. For right now, please mark your calendars for October 10th. I will have contact information for you soon, but don't plan anything else for that day. Get your foursome together now! I can tell you that it will be at Hampshire Country Club and I believe they have both courses reserved. The guys that are planning this are super dynamic and will do a great job. I know it will be a blast. (NOTE TO HEATHER: Wanna tailgate? Or would you rather drive the cart -- watch out for the sand traps!) I am looking forward to it already!

Johnny feels fantastic today. He looks really good, too. Totally hot. We will probably make out tonight. I know, I'm a lucky girl: He is a nice guy and butt-smokin' hot. (Used your favorite adjective again, Pee Wee. )

Good days are the best. We are really just concentrating on making them the best they can be and preparing ourselves for Round 2. Johnny is really making his health the number 1 priority. Lots and lots of fresh fruits and veggies. Lots and lots of water. We have a list of questions for Monday concerning the medicines for nausea and hope to have that under control right out of the gates.

Keep praying. I have a story concerning prayer: The other day we had a patient in the cath lab that needed to have a valve replaced. He was having a heart cath to see if he also needed to have coronary artery bypass at the same time. The doctor checked the arteries and they were fine. Then he checked to see how tight the valve was. When he checked, the valve was no longer tight. Seriously, this guy had been progressively getting worse for the last 5 years and now suddenly his valve is fine. The doctor said, "What have you been doing, Man?" The guy said, "Praying." The doctor said, "No, really, have you been taking your medicine with anything else?" The patient said, "No, really I just started praying and started to feel better." I was computing the case and started to cry. But they were happy tears. I know prayer works. Keep praying.

And clicking.


  1. Holy Cow! My clicking related callous is sooooo paying off! Wooohhhhoooo!

    Clicking (and praying) is seriously my new hobby....I was planning on learning how to knit but this seems so much more helpful somehow.. :)

    Side note to Mrs. Toad-
    Bottom line: you'll not be getting a scarf from me anytime soon. I hope you'll learn to live with this dissapointment but in light of your close proximity to someone who is butt-smokin' HOT, I didn't think you really needed one anyway! - End Side Note

    Glad to hear of a feelin' good kinda day!
    love you all-
    george ann, derek, chad and ryne nolan

  2. Mimi--My mom also had gallstones. Her surgeon said she had enough going on so he didn't take it out. He did take out her appendix though. : )


  3. Wow! We are clicking and praying for you all. Count on me for the 10th of October - you couldn't keep me away! If you need help with anything call us, we will do what ever it takes. I agree with Toad - "If I don't need it take it out!"

    Love you all "The Gills" Tex, Connie, Clint and Trever

  4. Ok, I too am getting carpal tunnel from clicking, but I won't let that stop me...:) I just want to make sure that just clicking is all it takes, Do you have to stay on the web page for a givin length of time? Does it matter if the page doesn't fully load before you return and click another? Just want to make sure that you are getting the full benefits!!
