Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Good Wednesday

What happened to the ads?

Google, in their infinite wisdom has pulled the ads from the blog. Dang it. What they have in their "policy" (of course I didn't read every single word) is a statement that says I cannot solicit clicking. And I very obviously did. So, since I violated the policy, I am hosed. Seriously, this is disappointing, but I can only be mad at myself for not reading and understanding everything about the ads. I did fill out the appeal form to give my side of the story, so I will wait for their decision. I am not too hopeful that it will go my way, but I'll just have to wait and see. In case the ads do come back, I cannot ask you to click anymore, so you will be on your own for that.

On the home front, Johnny feels basically normal. He has been to work all week and has done fine with that. We are just trying to make the very best of the rest of this week before we start Round 3 on Monday. Good week, bad week. That's how it goes. Hopefully the weather will be beautiful this weekend.

My brother-in-law, Alan, lost his dad yesterday. Fred Cramer was an ornery tease that will be missed terribly. Since Angie and Alan have been our neighbors forever, my kids looked at Fred as their Papa, too. Many family holidays and birthdays have been combined affairs with our families, and until just a couple years ago, my boys didn't realize that Fred and Sue weren't their actual grandparents. (You know how confusing family relationships are for kids to figure out!) He had been doing poorly for quite some time. It really doesn't matter if you know death is coming or if it just happens out of the blue, it is never, never easy.

I am really ready to close the door on Summer 2009. Not the best one ever in my book. How 'bout we look forward to a happy and healthy Fall 2009!

Are you filling out the golf registrations and sending them in? You will not want to miss this, I can guarantee it. Even if you have never golfed before, you should give it a go. I have a couple friends at work, as does Johnny, that will be golfing for the first time ever in this event. I so want Johnny to be surrounded by absolutely everyone that knows and loves him -- so we need you there.

If you don't mind, please continue to pray for Johnny and also add Alan's family to that prayer list as well.


  1. Crappola!

    Was the email specific about which rule you violated? Mine was was very non-specific, only giving "invalid clicking" or "association with a site" of invlaid clicking, as examples, etc. And just so you know, I solicited clicks back in the day and still got paid...but my first two checks were just over $100. So, do you think they actually READ the blogs??? Didn't know that. I chose not to appeal my "firing" but it sure as heck can't hurt.

    Is Jim suppose to gather a team to golf on, or are the brothers doing it together? Not sure what is planned.

    So sorry about Fred. He always brightened my day whenever I saw him. He and his fancy cars! Angie has had a hellacious summer too...and to boot, has to send her youngest off to college and start a new job. But maybe those things will be good things? : )


  2. Molly,

    Yes, Google was very specific. They even gave an example from the blog that was in violation. They use the same scanning technology that they do for placing the ads. They check for words and word strings that involve "click" and "ads". It is really my fault, and to tell you the truth I thought it was too good to be true anyway. No such thing as free money, right? I'm disappointed, but not inconsolable. We will see what they say about the appeal, but I don't expect a reversal, unfortunately.

    I don't think Johnny is golfing in his outing, I think he and Jimmy Jordan (who can't golf due to shoulder surgery) are manning a roaming cart. Have Jimmy check with Johnny, but that was the last I knew. Big golf meeting tomorrow night; we will know more then.

    Yeah, Angie's summer has pretty much sucked, too. We are both ready for fall or winter, anything but summer.


  3. Ok,if you win the appeal, we will use code words like "please punt the football" and people will know what it means!!!

    : ) M.


    or "pass the mashed potatoes"

    or "the eagle has landed"

    or "winshieldshipers"

    or "does the Pope sh#$ in the woods?"


  5. Just a question would you guys feel about a corn and hog roast benefit?
    Love ya,

  6. Mimi--Just wanted to tell Johnny THANKS for getting his brother to the doctor. Jim got the all clear on his colon and doesn't have to go back for five years. Dr. O'Dea made a special trip in to see me to tell me the good news quickly, and then came back to go over pictures. He said it was very, very wise of Jim to come in and was thankful that Johnny was spreading the word. The nurse too. Now, we have to get Pooh and Danny in.

