Wednesday, December 16, 2009

We are still here!

Please don't forget about us!!!

I know I have been absolutely terrible about updating Johnny's blog lately . . . but you know, right now BUSY is an understatement.

Let's recap: It is Christmastime. That in itself makes all of us Crazy Busy! Then we have all the various school parties, programs, concerts, etc. Anyone with kids knows how this just zaps your time! (Side Note: Why do I ALWAYS wait until the last moment to iron the outfits the kids need for the appropriate performance? Every. Single. Time.) Then on top of all the Holiday Preparations it just so happens that the hospital I have worked in for 18 years decided to pack up and move. No small undertaking. Add to that being on call, and it just about takes every last second of my time.

The good news is: The Christmas cards are in the mail (except the ones with address changes :O] ) and the Christmas presents have been purchased with only a couple exceptions. Nothing is wrapped, though. That is for this weekend. The hospital has successfully moved across town to Mishawaka. If you haven't seen it, it is worth the trip over there. GORGEOUS! And tonight was the last program of the season (Quinn's band concert). Only a couple things left to do, and I will officially be ready for Christmas.

Which brings me to Johnny . . . the whole reason we meet here on a relatively regular basis, right?

He is just so ready for this all to be finished . . . he is physically exhausted. His body is starting to harbor true hatred for all the chemical toxins that have been pumped into it. The bottoms of his feet have completely peeled off numerous times, as have the skin on his hands. He complains of pain (a neurological effect that should go away with time) in his hands and feet on a daily basis. The cold intolerance persists. Nose bleeds are a new and annoying visitor. We know that things could be so much worse for Johnny, and we are thankful that his truly bad days have been kept to a minimum. Just one more to get through. Thank you, God.

My prayers persist and I hope you are still with us through all of this. Please forgive me for the infrequent updates over the last couple weeks. I promise, when we are settled in our new department and Christmas is over, the updates will become more regular and consistent. We appreciate knowing you are out there praying for us on a daily basis. Keep it up, will you?