Sunday, November 22, 2009


I promised if Johnny shot anything, I would update the blog. As you have probably noticed, there have been no updates since November 13th. The reason for this is simple: no deer.

In addition to Johnny being gone MOST of the time since his last chemo session, I have been very busy at work with our new hospital just about ready to open. Believe me when I say, there is a lot that goes into training when you open a brand new, state-of-the-art hospital!

So, I apologize profusely to those of you whom I've disappointed with my lack of blogging. Tomorrow is chemo and as always, I will update to let you all know how Johnny is doing this week.

I'm on my own this time (no Crazy MIL - the family is in the U.P. for Thanksgiving) so I will be off on Monday and Tuesday to take care of Johnny. We are super sad that we can't go to Thanksgiving in the U.P. this year, but the chemo schedule just got in the way. There is always next year . . .

Looking forward to completing #10 tomorrow. Double digits and only TWO more after tomorrow is done. Last cycle is schedule for December 21st -- Just in time for Christmas!


  1. Maybe I should just drive around in my car with Johnny in the passenger seat with his gun??? I think that it's the same deer on Auten Road that sees my car as an invitation to dart out into the road and scare the sh*t out of me THREE times in the last week! It's this huge "cow with horns" and I swear it either hates red cars, has a death wish or knows that I am one payment away from PAID IN FULL with my little any rate, I don't like it one bit! So, Johnny, what about it???

    love and prayers to all of you
    george, derek, chad and ryne nolan

  2. Sorry you won't get to go to the U.P. I know how much his family means to all of you. Lucky for Toad he has a great family-in-law
    right in Niles. Happy Turkey Day and Good Luck hunting after this cycle gets better.

  3. I'm so happy it's almost over for him! Thought of you guys today, it was kind of weird not being there! Oh and Johnny can come to our neighborhood, last night I saw a herd of deer next to the wharehouse close to us, I'd say about 15!
