Saturday, July 24, 2010

Monster Hiccups and More

Weird dreams, strange pains, jumbled emotions, and confusion have been the calling cards of this past week. You’d think I was talking about Johnny, but all of those things pertain to both of us now.   

I’m already over this whole broken ankle/foot gig. Seriously, this is absolutely the most annoyed I have ever been with my physical self. I think I am a lot better at being a care-giver than care-receiver. But I won’t complain because there are a whole lot of people taking really good care of me and the boys. Just frustrating, you know?   

On Thursday we took a little jaunt to the Emergency Room because Johnny was SERIOUSLY dehydrated and talkin’ crazy. It was very scary for him and the rest of us. In his confusion, he thought we were talking about it being time for him to die. He even made the boys come say good-bye to him. It was the most difficult on the boys because they thought it must be imminent since he was saying good-bye. And, although very tough on me to watch him, I was pretty sure that it wasn’t yet time. He ended up receiving three litres of fluids and once again, he was back (or at least close) to his right mind. While we were there, they did a chest x-ray and a CT of the brain just to check on things. Both were clear. Thank the Good Lord.   

Once we were home and settled down a little bit, we explained the confusion component of dehydration to the boys and that we may have more episodes like this in the future. It has to be hard on their heads and hearts to process this all; I know it is on mine.   

Since the trip to ER, Johnny has been drinking fluids around the clock. He remembers the confusion enough that he has found new focus in maintaining his fragile fluid balance.    

Hiccups have become an annoyance for him daily, too. Because the liver sits right below the diaphragm, and an irritated diaphragm causes hiccups, it was inevitable. It wouldn’t be bad if they were normal little “excuse me” types of hiccups. These are the Monster Grand-Daddy of All Hiccups. He sleeps mostly on his back now (ever since surgery) and when he is totally relaxed and his mouth and oral structures are too, a hiccup erupts like a prehistoric dog bark. The first time he did it, I actually shot out of bed. I had NO idea what had just happened. I thought it was a lot more than a hiccup. They are so loud they actually wake Johnny up. We have discovered that if he drinks something right after he starts, it minimizes the duration, and if he rolls on his left side they are less frequent and less severe.   

We will go to the infusion center for lab draws on Tuesday to check primarily on his calcium level, but the rest of the values as well -- like his electrolytes. I go to the doctor on Wednesday to check on my ankle/foot. Jake gets his braces on Tuesday. Quinn remains doctor appointment free for this week. He wins the prize.   

SIDE NOTE: Thanks to the Class of ‘85 for calling in a toast tonight during the class reunion. We really wish we could have been there. It meant a lot that you guys were thinking of us. See you at the next one.

ADDITIONAL SIDE NOTE: To our families -- we love you all so much. Thanks for the non-stop care.

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